Make sure your lawmakers know how important it is to invest in disability supports and services NOW and to make critical updates to Supplemental Security Income (SSI) so that everyone can access the care they need and not have to live in poverty.
Share your stories with members of Congress! Your personal stories have power, and your members of Congress must hear them. Share with them why #CareCantWait!
How Can You Advocate?
Check the website of your members of Congress to see what options they have to connect. You may find in-person or virtual options. You can find information about your members of Congress here.
Join town hall meetings hosted by your representatives or senators and ask questions about issues that are important to the disability community. You can find upcoming town hall meetings at townhallproject.com.
Post on social media about issues that matter to you. Make sure to tag your members of Congress. You can find a list of Congressional Twitter handles here. Members of Congress also have public Facebook pages on which you can comment.
Share your stories and write letters to your members of Congress. You can find helpful prompts and pre-written letters from The Arc on big disability issues at thearc.com/action.