The Arc's Position Statements

The Arc’s position statements address critical issues related to human and civil rights, health care and treatment, and services and programs for children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families.
Position statements are used to inform The Arc’s public policy agenda, as well as to provide the national platform of positions of The Arc for use by chapters at all levels of The Arc in its work – national, state, and local. The statements also serve to inform our constituency, stakeholders, media, and the general public on the prevailing organizational view on key issues.
Creation of Position Statements
The President of The Arc appoints the Policy and Positions Committee which considers development of new position statements and revision of existing position statements and which collaborates with the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD).
New position statements and revisions of existing statements are developed through a process that provides substantial opportunity for input and participation by chapters of The Arc. Chapter comments are taken into consideration as the final drafts are developed for consideration by the Board of Directors of The Arc. After approval by the Board, final drafts are presented to the Chapters for adoption at The Arc’s Annual Meeting. Once adopted, position statements remain in force until they are replaced or withdrawn. The Arc’s bylaws require that the position statements be reviewed at least every six years.